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Tema: Italija, skijanje 2020???

  1. #11
    Senior Member bbK1ng avatar
    Datum registracije
    Skije / Bord
    Rossignol Experience 88


    1 new case in Denmark: a close contact of the previously confirmed case of a man who had returned from skiing holiday in Northern Italyon Feb. 15 and became ill with cough and fever on Feb. 18. The man called his physician on Feb. 27 - nine days after the first symptoms - and was then referred to Rigshospitalet, where a throat swab confirmed that the person was infected. [source]
    1st case in Scotland (UK) a "resident of the Tayside area and has recently travelled from northern Italy" [source]
    573 new cases and 12 new deaths in Italy, for a total of 1,701 cases. Among the 1,577 active cases, 779 (49%) are hospitalized, 140 of which (representing 9% of active cases) are in intensive care. Among the 124 closed cases, 83 (67%) have recovered, 41 (33%) have died. The number of deaths reported in the press conference [source] [source] was later rectified from 34 to 41 (31 in Lombardy, 8 in Emilia Romagna, and 2 in Veneto), when Lombardy's councilor corrected the initial report of 24 deaths to 31 deaths for Lombardy. [source] [source] The total number of cases has been adjusted as well, to reflect this correction.
    1 new case in Iceland: a man in his 60s who arrived from Verona, Italy, yesterday with Icelandair. [source]
    5 new cases in Finland: including an elderly person and a school-aged child, both related to a previous case who had travelled to northern Italy [source] [source]
    • First 3 cases in Czech Republic. They had all recently traveled to Northern Italy: [source]
      • A 67-year-old man who attended a conference at the University of Udine, Italy, where the infection was confirmed in one of his Italian colleagues. He is now hospitalized in Bulovka, Prague.
      • A 20 year old woman from the USA who studies in Milan and was staying at an Airbnb in Prague. According to the Prime Minister, "She went to the hospital herself and we don't want that," Babis said.
      • a 43-year-old Czech national in Prague who returned from a ski holiday in Auronzo di Cadore in Veneto, Italy, a risky region. He traveled by car with his wife and four children, who are still asymptomatic but have been placed in home quarantine.

    Ovo je samo za 1. mart. Kako ko milsli da je najbolje za njega. Odrasli smo ljudi.

  2. #12
    Magarčina stekan avatar
    Datum registracije
    sa druge strane Alpa
    Skije / Bord
    Stöckli Laser AX, Salomon QST 92


    Evo na aktuelnu temu:

    Ako se ide da se skija (a ne "na skijanje") i ako je smještaj u apartmanu sa vlastitom ishranom, kontakti sa drugim ljudima su praktično nikakvi i šansa od zaraze je zanemariva.
    Ovo "na skijanje" uključuje obilaske trgovina, restorana, bazena i svih mogućih iventa. Može da uljučuje i skijanje, ali ne mora.
    Izmenio/la stekan; 03.03.2020 u 14:14.

  3. #13
    Senior Member bbK1ng avatar
    Datum registracije
    Skije / Bord
    Rossignol Experience 88


    Sad izgleda malo drugačije.

    16 days after the beginning of the outbreak, the Italian government took decree today to take exceptional measures to contain about 16 million Italians living in 14 provinces in the north of the country, as well as restrictive measures covering the whole country. [source]
    Northern Italy under lockdown
    - Lombardy region (entire region, all provinces)
    - Piedmont (provinces of Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola, and Vercelli)
    - Veneto(provinces of Padua, Treviso, and Venice)
    - Emilia Romagna (provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, and Rimini)
    - Marche (province of Pesaro Urbino)
    In the above areas:

    Travel in and out of the area, as well as within the area, will only be possible in response to "duly verified professional requirements, emergency situations, or for health reasons"
    People with symptoms of respiratory disease and fever of 37.5 Celsius or above are strongly encouraged to stay at home and limit social contact as much as possible, and contact their doctor
    Avoid gathering
    All schools and universities must be closed
    All museums and places of culture will be closed
    All cultural, religious or festive events are suspended
    Cinemas, pubs, theaters, dance schools, game rooms, casinos, nightclubs and other similar places shall remain closed
    All sporting events and competitions are suspended

    Ski resorts are closed until further notice

    Swimming pools, sports halls, thermal baths, cultural centers and wellness centers must suspend their activities
    Bars and restaurants can remain open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. provided they respect the safety distance of at least 1 meter between customers - this provision also concerns other commercial activities
    Shopping centers and department stores must remain closed on public holidays and the days preceding them
    Places of worship remain open, provided that the safety distance of at least 1 meter is respected, but religious ceremonies (marriage, baptism) are prohibited until further notice
    National restrictions
    As in the north of the country, cinemas, theaters, museums, pubs, game rooms, dance schools, discos and other similar places will be closed
    Sports competitions are suspended with some exceptions

  4. #14
    Super Member
    Datum registracije



    Od sutra su sva skijališta u Italiji zatvorena. Na kopu ima dosta snega i još uvek radi.

  5. #15
    Super Member Grazer avatar
    Datum registracije
    Banja Luka
    Skije / Bord
    HEAD Supershape e.Magnum


    Pricao sam s covekom koji zivi u Italiji i kaze da jedan od glavnih razloga ove katastofe u Italiji je bas zbog skijanja. Kad je vlada rekla da se smanje javna okupljanja i zapocne izolacija, hiljade Italijana otislo na skijanje da se "izoluje". Ostalo je istorija
    History is made by those who dare to break the rules.

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