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Tema: Veggies in Serbia?

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Datum registracije


    Yes you will likely see me on the slopes! Most likely in the company of mountain rescue!

    Though my Girlfriend is convinced she is going to starve, I think she will be fine!! We will have a look at the restuarant in Konaci on the Sunday evening, if the buffet looks ok we will upgrade to half board i think.

    Where are you guys staying, and are you in Ski School as well? Never know might bump into you!
    Izmenio/la OutsideEdge; 03.03.2007 u 21:32.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
    Datum registracije

    Thumbs up

    We are staying at the Hotel Grand and are Half Board. This is our fourth holiday ski-ing in the last four years. First was Andorra (nightmare for Veggies), then Bulgaria (again half board but ate out every night), then USA (usual Pizzas and stuff) and now Serbia. Like I said before we are taking our neice who has been getting lessons on the dry slope in Edinburgh. This will be her first holiday away so we made sure the hotel had a swimming pool etc. She is in ski school and too be honest my girlfriend and I don't really need to but we have paid for it. Its usually such a good laugh that we decided to go for it again. You also get around the mountain so much easier with a good instructor.

    Take it you guys are flying from Gatwick?

    Will def see you on the slopes. Fingers crossed for more snow !!

    Take it easy

  3. #13
    Junior Member
    Datum registracije


    Yeah we are flying from Gatwick. Sunday is going to be a looooong day! Though perhaps a drink or 2 en route might make the day go quicker! must remember to pack my hip flask!

    As my ski guide in Austria said "Schnapps helps you ski down the steepest of slopes!"

    Now all we need a huge dump....Of snow!!!

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