Pogledati punu verziju : would anyone recommend this resort for snowboarders??
18.12.2006, 01:23
hi, sorry to be a pain, but there seems to be a lot of drag lifts............can a snowboarder get to the majority of the resort by using the chair lifts??or is it all drags??
please let us know as soon as possible as we are waiting to book................
Well, there are 8 chair lifts. Most of them are in the resort center, but you can approach 2 of them only by drag lifts.
At the other hand this is maby goog oppertunity for you to learn to use drag-lifts :dontknow: like most of us boarders
Here you can see all information about slopes:
There is much easy (blue) slopes !!!:)
http://www.eng.infokop.net/ !!! There is news about Kopaonik !!! On your left you can see slopes description on english ! (start with "suncana dolina" ! :ok:
18.12.2006, 21:10
i am soooo bad at drags:glavaozid
i can walk tho:sm018:
21.12.2006, 16:31
Would anyone tell me which run would be the best for a snowboarder beginner? I'll be staying in a Dom Planinarsko-Smucarskog Drustva Kopaonik for the week around New Years Eve... and I am not sure where to go after I learn first steps. Would would be the easiest combination of a lift and a run?
Na Kopaoniku sam bila jako davno i nikad nisam bila u toku zime. Ako moze neko da mi preporuci koja bi staza bila najlaksa da krenem sa snowboardingom :)
Pozdrav svima! :sm018:
Karaman greben!
When you get out from chair lift go left because it is easier track.
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