Pogledati punu verziju : Infos about Kopaonik 2005-2006

11.12.2005, 20:14
Dobro vece everybody.

Since my knowledge in serbian language is kinda of rusty, i would really appreciate if you could give me some infos about Kopaonik.We're a small group of crazy snow-lovers greeks that they want to visit your resorts for snowboard/skiing this season.
Here're the questions :

1) Which is the price for daily ski pass for season 2005-2006?Any discounts for more days?(eg 3,4,5,week?)
2) Hiring ski/snowboard equipment : Average cost day?Are available some extra discount for hiring equipment for eg a week?
3) Which is the official date announced by the ski center for the openning of season 2005-2006?
4) Since we're going to kopaonik using train from Solun, according to your opinnion,which is the best way of reaching kopaonik?Should we get off the train at Nis,and take the bus from there?Any other alternative solutions?(eg from Leskovac?)
5) Any available and reliable sites about snow forecast for Kopaonik?I tried to retrieve some infos from international ones, but i think that they're not reliable.

Suggestion - encouragement to the moderators/admins of this forum : Try to post several info's about SCG's ski resorts in english in order to inform foreign people to collect useful informations about your country and its ski resorts.I know that maybe it's extra duty for some of you, but i believe that it worths!

Hvala for any kind of informations that they will be provided(preferable in english or greek :)).Or you could just provide me some links (concerning the cost part about ski pass or equipment.I believe that i could understand,more or less..)

Best regards from still sunny Athens,



Personal review of the mountain, conditions,prices and all answers to my questions in english can be found here



11.12.2005, 20:29
try this link


i think you'll find good informations there.

you should fet off train in nis, then in nis take a bus to kopaonik


11.12.2005, 20:38
1 euro = 86 din.

ski pass

1 day 1100 din
2 days 2000 din
3 days 3700 din
week 4900 din
10 days 6100 din

ski/snowboard equipment 750 din daily (ski/bord + shoues + sitcks)

11.12.2005, 21:13
gde bre ima skipass 10 dana za 6100

Bata Bane
11.12.2005, 21:23
gde bre ima skipass 10 dana za 6100

Ha ha ha ha

11.12.2005, 21:54
to je zvanicna informacije :) veni-vidi...

na kopu nisu menjali cenu skipseta bas dugo! ja sam zadnji out bio...2003! i tada su cene bile u odnosu na proslu godinu nepromenjene! ali su zato , secam se 2001 i 2002 bile bas jake! (mislim na cene pitja, klope itd...)

11.12.2005, 23:37
pa prosle godine je bilo 7 dana 5800

12.12.2005, 00:00
Try this link
there you can find much more information about Kopaonik.

And little corection ski pass in season 2005/2006 cost:

1 - 1500din
2 - 2700din
3 - 3900din
7 - 7900din

For more information about ski pass look this page http://www.genex.co.yu/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=377&Itemid=496

12.12.2005, 01:09
gde bre ima skipass 10 dana za 6100

Pa ja vise od godinu dana bistrim i pokusavam da krekujem taj SkiData... :(
Al' ako covek nudi u pretprodaji za te pare, onda da batalim pos'o :kez:

12.12.2005, 02:27
pa hocu ja sezonski ako moze pa kad budem isao da prodam nekom da isplatim zimovanje i da uplatim neki egipat da se malo zagrejem

12.12.2005, 02:41

http://www.kopaonik-genex.com/eng/ lots of infos about Kopaonik
http://www.hidmet.sr.gov.yu/index_eng.php this is site of hydrometeorological service of Serbia. There you can find complete weather description for Kopaonik(both actual data and forecast).


12.12.2005, 15:51
Thank you for your direct repsonse...Though i already did a research at the site you provided (at the past and now as these lines were written) but these kind of info's are not provided at all (at least at the english version).
Dear Ayger,if you want good skiing with lot of ski fun please forget Kopaonik,and try to come at Zabljak.Zabljak had the most extremly ski pist in the world(SAVIN KUK Extremly BLACK)and beatifull native with 13 leags.If you want more informations obout this ski center please writte me on private mesage.
Lot of regard's,POP:dziveli:

12.12.2005, 16:12
It's true, SCG have better ski resort than kopaonik, but for foreign people it's very dificult, to book other places. So until other ski resorts do something about this, for foreign people is left only Kopaonik. But things are not so black, kopaonik is ok centre with outstanding night life :yay: , and skiing is ok :ski: .

12.12.2005, 16:24
DONT HEAR them AYGER. YOU go in KOPAONIK. Kopaonik the best ski ressort in Serbia. Kopaonik have 3 ski lift for 4 people


12.12.2005, 16:25

12.12.2005, 16:33
Uz postovanje KOP MANIA,ja jedva pisem od smeha,a ako covek treba da dodje i da ga ti cetvorosedi kostaju koliko kostaju bolje da ne dolazi vec da ode u DUBAI jer i tamo imaju cetvorosede za manje pare!I jos nemoze da pokisne,a greju mu ledja i tur......Pozdrav,POP:yay:

12.12.2005, 17:00
Neke od vas stvarno ne razumem. Ljudi iz inostransktva imaju zelju da dodju na kopaonik, i zele da potrose pare na njemu, a neki od nas ih iz sve snage sa njega teraju, a onda se posle bune kako na kopaonik dolaze samo budze koje jedino sto znaju je da prave guzvu na stazama.
Mislim da ljudi kao pop67 iz dna duse mrze kopaonik i ne zele mu nista dobro jel da i samo malo vole Kop nebi ga samo kinjili nego bi svesrdno pomogli u njegovoj promociji pred stranim turistima.

Kopaonik je nasa najbolja planina (trenutno) i mislim da treba da se ponosimo sa njom :yay: :yay: :yay: :ski: :ski:

12.12.2005, 17:17
Zabljak had the most extremly ski pist in the world(SAVIN KUKExtremly BLACK)and beatifull native with 13 leags.Lot of regard's,POP:dziveli:
:ok:Thank you for the tip, but i don't wanna die young (we're not THAT skilled skiers....yet.)

(....)ne razumem(....) To : Bojan87,wlad,pop67,duleKG...... : Ne razumem also...;) Perhaps you could share your thoughts with us in english...

To : Misko :

It's true, SCG have better ski resort than kopaonik, but for foreign people it's very dificult, to book other places. So until other ski resorts do something

You're totally right.When i wanted to discover the availability of ski centers of SCG, the only well-informed in english websites were only (correct me if i'm wrong, then i could blame google) the websites envolved with Kopaonik (with direct links to hotels, and so on).

To : stojke,pop67,dzonka,Bojan87 :Thank you for your useful informations
To : KOP_MANIA : Not kopaonik rules, but rakija rulez! Ziveli!:dziveli:


12.12.2005, 17:24
To : Misko :

You're totally right.When i wanted to discover the availability of ski centers of SCG, the only well-informed websites were only (correct me if i'm wrong, then i could blame google) the websites envolved with Kopaonik (with direct links to hotels, and so on).

Yes, u are right, Kopaonik is bigest ski ressort in SCG and they for have the best online info's.

12.12.2005, 19:21
Neke od vas stvarno ne razumem. Ljudi iz inostransktva imaju zelju da dodju na kopaonik, i zele da potrose pare na njemu, a neki od nas ih iz sve snage sa njega teraju, a onda se posle bune kako na kopaonik dolaze samo budze koje jedino sto znaju je da prave guzvu na stazama.
Mislim da ljudi kao pop67 iz dna duse mrze kopaonik i ne zele mu nista dobro jel da i samo malo vole Kop nebi ga samo kinjili nego bi svesrdno pomogli u njegovoj promociji pred stranim turistima.

Kopaonik je nasa najbolja planina (trenutno) i mislim da treba da se ponosimo sa njom :yay: :yay: :yay: :ski: :ski:
Bojane ti nisi svestan kakvu si glupost napisao,rec MRZETI ne postoji u mome recniku,a kamo li u postupku!I meni bi Kopaonik bio najlepsa planina da nisam video ostale koje sam do sada video,pa tako mi kao objektivnom i realnom coveku Kop dodje na poslednje mesto.Nego dugo vec neces da odgovoris na moje pitanje GDE SI SKIJAO OSIM KOPAONIKA?

12.12.2005, 22:05
Kopaonik je nishta za Jahorinu...to ti odma mogu reci...na Kopaonik dolaze turisti,burzuji,kojima to nisu velike pare i dolaze da bi se odmorili i pozirali sa svojom opremom,a na Jahorinu idu ljudi koji zaista vole taj sport...mozda Kopaonik ima vishe staza,al te staze su za pochetnike(livada)... :D ja idem ove godine na Kopaonik,da vozim dasku i da blejim,poshto mi zdravlje nije u najboljem stanju... :D

12.12.2005, 22:10
ja ni sam ne znam gde cu ici na skijanje... bansko ili neka evropa, ali znam da cu otici na kop bar na jedan duzi vikend (cetvrtak-nedelja)! nisam bio na kopu prosle godine i nedostajao mi je! koncentracija ljudi koje poznajem, slatkih cica, solidnog provoda... :)

prosle godine sam bio na jahorini i ... nisam bas odusevljen. istina, nisam uspeo da vidim sve lepote jahorine, jer od 7 dana, 6 dana sam imao mecavu i maglu... i naprsla su mi dva rebra!

13.12.2005, 01:45
kako si bre polomio rebra? sta si radio kada si to uspeo, cuo sam sve ali rebra???

13.12.2005, 12:22
nisam ih slomio, naprsla mi! :) samo sto su bolela kao da sam ih slomio :)
bila magla... bas-bas magla... i onda sam ja isao nizbrdo i na prelazu sa jedne staze na drugu, bila je jedna rupa, kao da je neko ugurao neki valjak u stazu i izvadio ga, i ja uletim u rupu, stap mi se podbode i udari me po rebrima, tj. ja naletim na njega :(
posle toga, narednih 7 dana sam otezano disao, bolno se smejao, a nisam normalno mogao da spavam duze od 2 meseca

13.12.2005, 21:11
Aaaa, jezivo, brate! I mene je zabolelo. Meni se prosle god. stap podbo i bradom sam opizdio u njega. Nisam osecao zube.

27.12.2005, 15:13
UPDATED INFOS (27/12/2005)

Dear fellows,

The reason for replying to my own post is simple : To inform other non-serbian speakers about Kopaonik resort for this period.

We managed to go to Kopaonik from Dec 17th till Dec 24th 2005.
So, here they're the replies to my own questions

1) Which is the price for daily ski pass for season 2005-2006?Any discounts for more days?(eg 3,4,5,week?)

The price for the ski pass is 1100 dinars/day.Plus 400dinars for getting the card(which they will be refunded to you when you'll return the magnetic card).Extra discount for 2,3,4,5 and so on days.

Personal example : For 5 days i paid 4300 dinars(50 euros- 10 euros/day) for the pass+400 for the card

2) Hiring ski/snowboard equipment : Average cost day?Are available some extra discount for hiring equipment for eg a week?

--Ski rental (skiis,boots,polls) is for 850 dinars (~10 euros) /day.Snowboard (boots,board) rental is 1200dinars(~13,9 euros/day).
For hiring equipment for more than 2 days there're some discounts.And of course there's also special discount for each shop (ski service) who co-operate with the hotel you're staying.

Personal example : Snowboard cost for 5 days : 4100 dinars(47,6 euros instead of 6000dinars/69,7 euros)

3) Which is the official date announced by the ski center for the openning of season 2005-2006?

It's already open.And for the quality of snow.... :O (<--pleasantly surprised in order not to get misundestood)...A lot of fresh snow.At the base the last day we were there was almost 60+cm's and at the top around 75+cm.Everynight (almost) at least 5-6 cm's of new snow.

4) Since we're going to kopaonik using train from Solun, according to your opinnion,which is the best way of reaching kopaonik?

The best solution to go to kopaonik from other big cities of SCG, is via bus.During the ski season, extra routed buses are scheduled to Kopaonik.
Real examples :
1) From Novisad at ~05:30 every Friday,weekends.Passing through Beograd at ~07:15.Duration of trip : Around 5 hours from Beograd.
2) From Nis : Every saturday and sunday at 05:50 (the solution we personally preffered). Cost of one way ticket : 450 dinars(5,2 euros).Normal duration of trip: around 3 hours.
Personal Example /Abnormal duration of the trip cause the bus driver didn't had chains to put on wheels : 8+ hours......

Departure from Kopaonik :
Every Friday at 16:00 : Bus to Beograd, Novisad,Krusevac only.
Every weekend at 16:00 : Same as above plus bus to Nis.

5) Any available and reliable sites about snow forecast for Kopaonik?I tried to retrieve some infos from international ones, but i think that they're not reliable.

Haven't found yet, but as you can see from the below pictures, finding snow wasn't such difficult case....




Personal opinnions/Facts:
1) The didn't managed to operate lifts at pista number 5 (the one that goes to the top, i think the 2chair main lifts.).Official excuse : Maintenance wasn't over (yet).Unofficial excuse (thanx to our friend from Novisad, Milos) : Not enough people and incoming from the sales of ski passes to operate that lift...That gave us a bad impression though:(...
Solution : Hiring a snowmobil(ski-doo) and ask them to drive you to the top. :D

2)The whole mountain was a-m-a-z-i-n-g and very beautiful.All the "Xmas trees"(i don't know the word) were in white....
For sure we're coming back at the (near) future to explore it more.

3) Great night life beside the fact that weren't a lot of visitors around (~300 people at the hotel's complex also known as Konaci).I believe that this place during the high season is really crowded.Perhaps the winter Ibiza of SCG during Jan/Feb/March?

4)The whole place is really very well organised.If you're staying to the one of the nearby hotels, everything is 5 minutes walking from your room.We're talking about supermarkets,bank,post office,a lot of shops,coffee-shops,night clubs,apoteka's (baker shops),kiosks,even a bookstore to kill some time reading while waiting during the night anxiously to go to the top (again).

1 vote from me to kopu, and i'll strongly suggest that place to my friends for "all-in-one" winter vacations.


Avgerinos from sunny Athens

27.12.2005, 15:22
E pa da i ja prozborim par reci na temu Kop-a posto vidim da ga mnogi ovde blate. Na Kopa idem vec jedno 10 god. a obisao sam bar jos 20ak svetskih centara.
Normalno da se staze ne mogu porediti sa alpskim centrima, ali i kop ima sasvim ok staze, pre svega mislim na Gobelje koje su zapostavljene i Duboku I i II . Cene su sasvim OK, jer Kopaonik je mali centar i niske cene bi izazvale ogromnu navalu i verovatno kolaps.
Jos nesto, retko gde u svetu cete moci da se iz hotela spustite na stazu.
O fenomenalnom nocnom zivotu ne treba trositi reci.

Sve u svemu ko voli skijanje + provod, Koaponik je jedno od najboljih mesta.

27.12.2005, 16:23
E pa da i ja prozborim par reci na temu Kop-a posto vidim da ga mnogi ovde blate. Na Kopa idem vec jedno 10 god. a obisao sam bar jos 20ak svetskih centara.
Normalno da se staze ne mogu porediti sa alpskim centrima, ali i kop ima sasvim ok staze, pre svega mislim na Gobelje koje su zapostavljene i Duboku I i II . Cene su sasvim OK, jer Kopaonik je mali centar i niske cene bi izazvale ogromnu navalu i verovatno kolaps.
Jos nesto, retko gde u svetu cete moci da se iz hotela spustite na stazu.
O fenomenalnom nocnom zivotu ne treba trositi reci.

Sve u svemu ko voli skijanje + provod, Koaponik je jedno od najboljih mesta.

Ja koliko vidim, nas grcki prijatelj ne pominje ogromnu navalu. Naprotiv, kaze da (doduse, nezvanicno, ali dajem glavu da je tako) ne pustaju zicu jer je mala poseta ("Not enough people and incoming from the sales of ski passes").

28.12.2005, 00:22
rekao sam da bi navala bila kada bi cene bile niske, a one to svakako nisu.

28.12.2005, 03:22
@finskaus: znaci drze visoke cene da ne bi palili zice (posto nema dovoljno ljudi da skijaju)? :)

Mogu da obore cene u predsezoni kada nema nikoga, to se radi svuda u svetu, da "nivelises" broj turista. Ne mislim samo na smestaj (koji se nivelise) nego ceo prateci sadrzaj, konkretno ako ne rade sve zice ski-pass mora da bude barem 50% od cene.