Pogledati punu verziju : Please tell me about the black runs !! :)
18.02.2007, 01:21
Ive been searching web for weeks :sm022: , Can't find any info on the black runs at kop, im due too ski there next week. Could any one who's skied there recently give me as much info on the difficult runs we can ski there. Thank You!!
:) :) :)
Bata Bane
18.02.2007, 02:23
Ive been searching web for weeks :sm022: , Can't find any info on the black runs at kop, im due too ski there next week. Could any one who's skied there recently give me as much info on the difficult runs we can ski there. Thank You!!
:) :) :)
Black runs????? ha ha ha, all black runs are closed.
18.02.2007, 15:48
@ BigRedBird,
Black runs? Sorry mate, you've got a wrong resort! :sm022:
Bata Bane
18.02.2007, 19:28
According to Crystal:
"Advanced http://www.crystalski.co.uk/images/resort_guide_black.gifhttp://www.crystalski.co.uk/images/resort_guide_black.gif
For advanced skiers there are some challenging black runs, and there are always instructors available to push you to the limit."
Is this duff information? Are there any difficult reds?
Only real black runs is Ledenica, but Ledenica is closed almost all winter. If you like hard slope you can use Duboka I.
18.02.2007, 20:23
If you like hard slope you can use Duboka I.
All 300 meters of it !
Bata Bane
18.02.2007, 22:03
All 300 meters of it !
Al parlamo....
19.02.2007, 00:05
so none of the blacks there are open lol??
There are some black runs open atm.
- "Duboka1", but 4 seats chair lift for this pist is not open yet, but you can use "Centar".
- "Gvozdac" is always open, check map how to come there
- "Ledenica" is reachable from Gvozdac T bar lift
- "Bela reka" but you have to walk about 500m to this pist
- "Krcmar" down part of this pist is black labled
19.02.2007, 00:41
:sm004: Thanks alot i was worried for abit there lol, cant wait too get there now :yay: !!
19.02.2007, 00:42
Thanks m8 !
np mate, be free to ask for more info. You have to know some information how to use some shortcuts beetwen pists, so check it on map and ask for help here.
19.02.2007, 22:57
any chance u can e-mail me info on which lifts i use 2 get 2 the runs u listed and which lifts i use 2 get back up. also any info on the shortcuts u was telling me about would be grateful ty !! :sm004:
19.02.2007, 23:10
or u could just post a reply lol :P ty
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