Pogledati punu verziju : rick c

rick c
06.02.2007, 00:01
hi can anyone give me a reasonable idea of the snow depth and general conditions in kop at the moment, we are going out on 11 march and dont know much about the resort we are staying at the grand and it sounds ok if anyone has anymore info on the hotel, piste conditions and anything else on the resort it would be much appreciated:sm018: :cug: :cug: :cug: :cug:

06.02.2007, 07:45
You have english version of forum go there

06.02.2007, 10:46


conditions & ski info:


08.02.2007, 11:30
hi can anyone give me a reasonable idea of the snow depth and general conditions in kop at the moment, we are going out on 11 march and dont know much about the resort we are staying at the grand and it sounds ok if anyone has anymore info on the hotel, piste conditions and anything else on the resort it would be much appreciated:sm018: :cug: :cug: :cug:


Dont even start thinking about conditions yet - its possible to get over a foot of snow overnight in Kop, so dont worry about snow till the day you land!
Otherwise, trawl thru this board - some very useful postings regarding the resort!!


10.02.2007, 22:58
Have a hunt around the English forum - loads about the resort there including my report of 21-28th Jan staying at Grand. There are also photos to be found on the site. Let me know if there are any particular questions you want answers to.